Pet Corrector™ spray for dog training, helps stop barking and unwanted behaviors with sound interruption.
Infographic illustrating a 3-step training program using Pet Corrector for dog barking issues.

Pet Corrector

Company of Animals
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What is Pet Corrector™?

The Pet Corrector™ emits a hiss of compressed gas which produces a broad spectrum sound (white noise) varying from a low-frequency rumble to a high-frequency hiss to interrupt a dog’s unwanted behaviour. 

The overall effect is to grab the attention of a dog.  Dogs exhibit a wide range of reactions according to their hearing sensitivity and prior conditioning. Nevertheless, almost all dogs initially react to the Pet Corrector because the sound is genetically programmed to be associated with danger, such as from the hiss of a snake, an angry swan or the buzz of a dangerous insect.

What is it used for?

The Pet Corrector interrupts many unwanted behaviours but is most often used for the following:

  • Barking
  • Jumping up
  • Stealing food
  • Chasing
  • Place avoidance

An essential combination tool with reward-based training methods.